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We handle the registration processes for yachts located in Turkey and abroad for our clients! Which flag would you prefer to register your yacht under? We offer the best solutions considering various conditions.

Before setting sail, any yacht must be registered. When the yacht's flag is chosen correctly, it will provide many benefits in the following years. The port of registration you choose will determine not only the country of the boat but also all rules and conditions applicable to your yacht, including usage duration in a specific country's territorial waters and operational costs.

Many flags are considered popular in international formats. However, expert advice is always necessary to select the best flag. Do other flag states allow ownership by Turkey? If the yacht was purchased in Europe with VAT paid, which flag should be chosen? What should be selected if the yacht is purchased without VAT? We are happy to answer these and similar questions.

Our expertise ensures that you make informed decisions regarding yacht registration, helping you navigate the complexities of maritime regulations effectively.

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